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La biblioteca virtual de BIO-NICA no tiene fines lucrativo, tan solo apoyar a investigadores, estudiantes y público en general a documentarse en temas que tienen que ver con Biodiversidad.

Los documentos presentados son obtenidos de la Internet o de amigos o son publicaciones de miembros o asociados del Museo Entomológico o de ALAS.


En este rincón de la Biblioteca Virtual, presentamos una lista de la bibliografía básica para estudiar los Mamíferos de Nicaragua, elaborada por Juan Carlos Martínez y Arnulfo Medina, muchos de los documentos pueden obtenerse en formato pdf, haciendo click sobre la cita. Esperamos completar esta lista poco a poco con los trabajos de los colegas.
Muchas fichas específicas de Mamíferos, editadas por la American Society of Mammalogists, están disponibles vía la Lista de Mamíferos.



*        Allen, G. M. (1929).  Mammals. Pp. 129-130, en  Vertebrates from the Corn Island.  Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 69:127-146.

*        Allen, J. A. (1908).  Mammals from Nicaragua.  Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 24:647-670.

*        Allen, J. A. (1910).  Additional Mammals from Nicaragua. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 28:87-115.

*        Alston, E. R. (1879-82).  Biologia Centrali-Americana.  Mammalia.  Taylor and Francis, London, xx+220 p. (Introducción por P. L. Sclater).

*        ANDERSON  R.P. & MARTINEZ-MEYER E. (2004) Modeling species’ geographic distributions for preliminary conservation assessments: an implementation with the spiny pocket mice (Heteromys) of Ecuador. Biological Conservation 116: 167-179.

*        Anderson, S., y J. K. Jones, Jr. (1960).  Records of Harvest Mice, Reithrodontomys, from Central America, with Description of a New Subspecies from Nicaragua. Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 9: 519-529.

*        Anthony H.E. (1920) New rodents and new bats from Neotropical regions. Journal of Mammalogy, 1(2):81-86.

*        AUTINO  A. G. & CLAPS  G. E. (2000) Catalogue of the ectoparasitic insects of the bats of Argentina. Insecta Mundi, 14(4): 193-209.

*        BARD S.A. (1855) Waikna; or, adventures on the Mosquito shore. Harper & Brothers, New York, 366 pp.

*        Baker, R.H. (1963) Geographical Distribution of Terrestrial Mammals in Middle America. The merican Midland Naturalist, 70(1):208-249.

*        Baker, R. J.  et al. (1973).  Cytotypes and Morphometrics of two Phyllostomatid Bats, Micronycteris hirsuta  andVampyressa pusilla.  Occasional Papers of the Museum, Texas Tech University, 17:1-10.

*        Baker, R. J., y Jones J.K. Jr. (1975).  Additional Records of Bats from Nicaragua, with a Revised Checklist of Chiroptera. Occasional Papers of the Museum, Texas Tech University, 32:1-13.

*        BEST T.L., HUNT  J.I., McWILLIAMS  L.A. & SMITH  K.G. (2002) Eumops auripendulus . Mammalian Species, 708: 1-5 (Cita Nicaragua).

*        Bezerra A.M.R., Escarlate-Tavares F. & Marinho-Filho J. (2005) First record of Thyroptera discifera (Chiroptera: Thyropteridae) in the Cerrado of Central Brazil. Acta Chiropterologica, 7(1):165-170.

*        Biggers, J. D. (1967).  Notes on Reproduction of the Woolly Opossum (Caluromys derbianus) in Nicaragua.  Journal of Mammalogy, 48:678-680.

*        Boletin de la Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Conservacion de los Murcielagos (2017) Vol. 8, No. 2 (Mayo_Agosto 2017). 39 pp.

*        Buchanan, O. M., y Howell T.R. (1965).  Observations on the Natural History of the Thick-spined Rat, Hoplomys gymmurus, in Nicaragua.  Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,13 (8):549-560.

*        Buchanan, O. M., y Howell T.R. (1967).  Zoogeography of Scotinomys  in Middle America, with the Description of a New Subspecies from Nicaragua. Journal of Mammalogy, 48:414-419.

*        BUGLASS L. & RAMIREZ O. (xxxx) Manejo Colaborativo en la actividad turistica de Observacion de Ballenas “Una estrategia para la planificacion y desarrollo del ecoturismo en la region de Samana” CEBSE-CANARI (Actas de Conferencias (1994), 9pp.

*        CAMILO G.R. & GANNON M.R. (2003) Reporte preliminar sobre la diversidad de murciélagos (Orden Chiroptera) en la Reserva de Biosfera Bosawas, Nicaragua. Depto. De Biología, Saint Louis University.  (en prensa).

*        Caribbean Conservation Corporation (xxx) Technical support for establishment of the Miskito Cays Marine and Coastal Reserve for biodiversity and cultural protection in northeastern Nicaragua - a proposal. 25 pp.

*        Carol (2012) New species record for Nicaragua. [Phylloderma stenops]. 2 pp.

*        CARR T. (1993) The manatees and dolphins of the Miskito Coast Reserve, Nicaragua. Caribbean Conservation Corporation. Reporte preparado por el Marine Mammal Commission, Washington DC, USA.

*        Carr T. & Bonde R. K. (2000) Tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) occurs in Nicaragua, 800 km north of its previously known range. Mar. Mamm. Sci., 16: 447-452.

*        Carraway L., Hayssen V. & Michener G. (2003) Instructions for Contributors to “Mammalian Species”. 13 pp.

*        CARTER D.C., PINE R.H. & DAVIS W.B.  (1966) Notes on Middle American bats. SouthwesternNat., 11:488-499.

*        Castaño J.H., Muñoz-Saba Y., Botero J.E. & Hernán Vélez J. (2003) Mamíferos del Departamento de Caldas – Colombia. Biota Colombiana, 4(2):247-259.

*        CASTRO-ARELLANO  I., ZARZA  H. & MEDELLIN  R.A. (2000) Philander opossum. Mammalian Species, 368: 1-8 (Cita Nicaragua).

*        CATANIA K.C. (2006) Olfaction. Underwater ‘sniffing’ by semi-aquatic mammals. Nature, pp.1024-1025.

*        CBI (2006) Reporte 58va. Reunión de la Comisión Ballenera Internacional 2006, St. Kitts y Nevis, 27pp.

*        CHACON E. (2000) Estado de conservación  del manatí en la zona sur de la Bahía de Blufields. Tesis de Licenciatura, Escuela de Ecología, Universidad Centroamericana, Managua, Nicaragua.

*        CHAMBERS C. (2012) Nicaragua: Now the Land of 100 Bat Species. BATS, Bat Conservation International, 30(3):7-9.

*        Choate, G. R. (1970).  Systematics and Zoogeography of Middle American Shrews of the Genus Cryptotis. Univ. Kansas Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist., 19:195-317.

*        CITES (xxxx) Lista General de Especies Silvestres de Fauna de Panama. 50pp.

*        CLARK L.G., VARELA-DIAZ V.M., SULZER C.R. , MARSHAK R.R.  & HOLLISTER C.J. (1966). Leptospirosis in Nicaragua: Preliminary report on the first year of study. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 15:735–742.

*        CROCKETT C.M., BROOKS R.D., MEACHAM R.C., MEACHAM S.C. & MILLS M.  (1997) Recent observations on Nicaraguan primates and a preliminary conservation assessment. Neotropical Primates, 5(3):71–74.

*        Culik B. (2003) Sotalia fluviatilis. CMS, Web Page, 5 pp.

*        Davis, W. B., Carter D.C. & Pine R.H. (1964).  Noteworthy Records of Mexican and Central American Bats. J. Mamm., 45:375-387.

*        Davis, W.B. (1965) Review of the Eptesicus brasiliensis complex in Middle America with the description of a subspecies from Costa Rica. Journal of Mammalogy, 46(2):229-240.

*        Davis, W. B. (1968).  Review of the Genus Uroderma  (Chiroptera).  J. Mamm., 49:  676-698.

*        Davis, W. B. (1969).  A Review of the Small Fruit Bats (Genus Artibeus) of Middle America. Southwestern Nat., 14:15-29.

*        Davis, W. B. (1970).  A Review of the Small Fruit Bats (Genus Artibeus) of Middle America.  Part II. Southwestern Nat., 14:389-402.

*        Davis, W. B. (1973).  Geographic Variation in the Fishing Bat, Noctilio  leporinus.  J. Mamm., 54:862-874.

*        Davis, W.B. (1976) Geographic variation in the Lesser Noctilio, Noctilio albiventris (Chiroptera). Journal of Mammalogy, 57(4):687-707.

*        Davis, W. B., y D. C. Carter (1978).  A Review of the Tonatia silvicola  Complex, with Descriptions of Three New Taxa. Occas. Papers Mus., Texas Tech Univ., 53:1-12.

*        Davis, W. B. (1984).  Review of the Large Fruit-eating Bats of the Artibeus "lituratus"  Complex (Chiroptera:  Phyllostomidae) in Middle America.  Occas. Papers Mus., Texas Tech Univ., 93:1-16.

*        DIAZ-SANTOS F., DIAZ F., MAFFEI L.  & POLISAR J. (2010) Potencial de la Reserva Indio-Maíz para la conservación de las poblaciones de Jaguares y sus presas, Rio San Juan, Nicaragua. Revista Nicaragüense de Biodiversidad, MARENA, 2, Mayo 2010, pp. 111-118.

*        DIAZ-SANTOS F., MAFFEI L.  & POLISAR J. (2010) Densidad de Jaguares en los Territorios Indigenas Mayangna Sauni Bu y Kipla Sait Taskaika en la Reserva de Biosfera de Bosawas, Atlántico Norte de Nicaragua. Revista Nicaragüense de Biodiversidad, MARENA, 2, Mayo 2010, pp. 51-58.

*        Diersing V.E. (1981) Systematic status of Sylvilagus brasiliensis and S. insonus from North America. Journal of Mammalogy, 62(3):539-556.

*        Dolan, P. G. (1989).  Systematics of Middle American Mastiff Bats of the Genus Molossus.  Spec. Publ.  Mus., Texas Tech Univ., 29:1-71

*        Dolan, P. G., y  D. C. Carter (1979).  Distributional notes and records for Middle American Chiroptera.  J. Mamm., 60:644-649.

*        DRISCOLL  C.A., MENOTTI-RAYMOND  M., ROCA  A.L., HUPE  K., JOHNSON  W.E., GEFFEN  E., HARLEY  E., DELIBES  M., PONTIER  D., KITCHENER  A.C., YAMAGUCHI  N., O’BRIEN  S.J. & MACDONALD  D. (2007) The Near Eastern Origin of Cat Domestication. Science Express. 6pp.

*        Edwards H.H. & Schnell G.D. (2001) Body Length, Swimming Speed, Dive Duration, and Coloration of the Dolphin Sotalia fluviatilis (Tucuxi) in Nicaragua. Carribbean Journal of Science, 37(3-4):271-272.

*        Edwards H.H. & Schnell G.D. (2001). Status and ecology of Sotalia fluviatilis in the Cayos Miskito Reserve, Nicaragua. Mar. Mamm. Sci., 17:445-472.

*        Eger, J. L. (1977).  Systematics of the Genus Eumops  (Chiroptera:  Molossidae).  Life Sci. Contr., Royal Ontario Mus., 1:1-69.

*        Englert, D. C. (1959).  First Records of Two Species of Harvest Mice in Nicaragua.  Southwestern Nat., 4:153.

*        Espinoza Medinilla E., Cruz E., Lira I. & Sánchez I. (2004) Mamíferos de la Reserva de la Biosfera “La Sepultura”, Chiapas, México. Revista de Biología Tropical, 52(1):249-259.

*        Findlay J.S., Jones C., Genoways H.H., Birnay E.C. & Baker R.J. (1996) Obituary J. Knox Jones, JR: 1929-1992. Journal of Mammalogy, 77(2):578-593.

*        FREDRIKSSON G.M., WICH S.A. & TRISNO (2006) Frugivory in sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) is linked to El Niño-related fluctuations in fruiting phenology, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 89:489-508.

*        Freeman, P. W. (1981).  A Multivariate Study of the Family Molossidae  (Mammalia, Chiroptera): Morphology, Ecology, Evolution.  Fieldiana  Zool. (n.s.), 7:  1-173.

*        GALINDO-GONZALEZ J., GUEVARA S. & SOSA V.J. (2000) Bat-and Bird-Generated Seed Rains at Isolated Trees in Pastures in a Tropical Rainforest. Conservation Biology 14 (6):1693-1703.

*        GARBER P.A., PRUETZ J.D., LAVALLEE A.C. & LAVALLEE S.C. (1999) A preliminary study of mantled howling monkey (Alouatta palliata) ecology and conservation in Isla de Ometepe, Nicaragua, Neotropical Primates, 7:113–117.

*        Gardner, A. L. (1973).  The Systematics of the Genus Didelphis  (Marsupialia, Rodentia) in North and Middle America.  Spec. Publ.  Mus., Texas Tech Univ., 4:1-81

*        Gardner, A. L. (1982).  Virginia Opossum. pp. 3-35. en  Wild Mammals of North America.(J. A. Chapman y G. A. Feldhamer, eds.).  Johns Hopkins Univ. Press.

*        Gardner, A. L. (1983).  Proechimys semispinosus  (Rodentia:  Echimyidae).  Distribution, Type Locality, and Taxonomic History.  Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 96:  134-144.

*        Genoways, H. H.,  y  J. K. Jones, Jr. (1971).  Second Specimen of Oryzomys dimidiatus.  Journal of Mammalogy., 52:833-834.

*        Genoways, H. H. (1973).  Systematics and Evolutionary Relationships of Spiny Pocket Mice, Genus Liomys.  Spec. Publ. Mus., Texas Tech  Univ., 5:  5-368.

*        Genoways H.H. & Timm R.M. (2003) The Xenarthrans of Nicaragua. Mastología Neotropical / Journal of Neotropical Mammalogy, 10(2):231-253.

*        GENOWAYS  H.H. & TIMM  R.M. (2005) Mammals of the Cosiguina Peninsula of Nicaragua. Mastozoologia Neotropical, 12(2):153-179.

*        GOLDBOGEN  J.A., PYENSON  N.D.  & SHADWICK  R.E. (2007) Big gulps require high drag for fin whale lunge feeding. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 349: 289-301.

*        Goldman E.A. (1943) The Races of the Ocelot and Margay in Middle America. Journal of Mammalogy, 24(3):372-385.

*        Goodwin G.G. (1936) A new Flying Squirrel from Honduras. American Museum Novitates, 898:2 pp.

*        Goodwin, G.G. (1942).  New Pteronotus  from Nicaragua.  Journal of Mammalogy, 23:88.

*        Goodwin G.G. (1942) A Summary of recognizable species of Tonatia, with descriptions of two New Species. Journal of Mammalogy, 23(2):204-209.

*        Goodwin G.G. (1942) Mammals of Honduras. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, LXXIX(2):107-195.

*        Goodwin, G. G. (1946).  Mammals of Costa Rica.  Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 87:271-473.

*        Goodwin G.G., Clifton P., Bull B.S., Booth E.S. & Richardson W.B. (1957) A new kinkajou from México and a new hooded skunk from Central America. American Museum novitates, 1830:4 pp.

*        Goodwin G.G. (1961) Flying Squirrels (Glaucomys volans) of Middle America. American Museum Novitates, 2059:22 pp.

*        GRAY J.E. (1844) Zoology of the voyage of the H. M. S. Sulphur. Mammalia (parts 1, 2), London.

*        GRAY J.E.  (1871). Notes on the species of Bradypodidae in the British Museum. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1871:428-449.

*        Greenbaum, I. F. & Jones J.K. Jr. (1978).  Noteworthy Records of Bats from El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua.  Occas. Papers Mus., Texas Tech Univ., 55:  1-17.

*        GRISCOM  H. P., KALKO  E. K. V. & ASHTON  M. S. (2006) Frugivory by Small Vertebrates Within a Deforested, Dry Tropical Region of Central America. Biotopica, 5pp.

*        Hafner M.S. (1991) Evolutionary Genetic and Zoogeography of Middle American Pocket Gophers, Genus Orthogeomys. Journal of Mammalogy, 72(1):1-10.

*        HAFNER M.S., GANNON W.L., SALAZAR-BRAVO J. & ALVAREZ-CASTAÑEDAS.T. (1997) Mammal Collections in the Western Hemisphere. A survey and directory of Existing Collections. American Society of Mammalogists. Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas, 97 pp. [Cita Nicaragua].

*        Hall, E. R. (1981).  The Mammals of North America.  John Wiley and Sons, New York.  2da ed., 2 vol.

*        HARVEY C.A., GONZALEZ J. & SOMARRIBA E. (2006) Dung beetle and terrestrial mammal diversity in forests, indigenous agroforestry systems and plantain monocultures in Talamanca, Costa Rica. Biodiversity and Conservation 15:555-585.

*        HARVEY C.A., MEDINA A., SANCHEZ D.M., VILCHEZ S., HERNANDEZ B., SAENZ J.C., MAES J.M., CASANOVES F. & SINCLAIR F.L. (2006) Patterns of Animal Diversity in different forms of tree cover in agricultural landscapes. Ecological Applications, 16(5):1986-1999.

*        HECKADON-MORENO S. (1997) Spanish rule, independence, and the modern colonization frontiers, in: Central America: A Natural and Cultural History, A.G. Coates, ed., Yale University Press, New Haven, pp. 177-214.

*        Hellebuyck, V., J. R. Tamsitt, y J. G. Hartman (1985).  Records of Bats New to El Salvador.  J. Mamm., 66:783-788.

*        Hershkovitz Ph. (1970) Supplementary notes on Neotropical Oryzomys dimidiatus and Oryzomys hammondi (Cricetinae). Journal of Mammalogy, 51(4):789-794.

*        HIDALGO-MIHART M.G., CANTU-SALAZAR L., GONZALEZ-ROMERO A. & LOPEZ-GONZALEZ C.A. (2004) Historical and present distribution of coyote (Canis latrans) in Mexico and Central America. Journal of Biogeography, 31:2025-2038. [Cita Nicaragua].

*        HIRATA K. (2005) Why Japan Supports Whaling. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy, 8:129-149.

*        HOTEZ  P. J. (2008) The Giant Anteater in the Room: Brazil´s Neglected Tropical Diseases Problem. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2(1): 1-3.

*        JENKINS  C.N. & GIRI  C. (2008) Protection of Mammal Diversity in Central America. Conservation Biology, 22(4): 1037-1044 (Cita Nicaragua).

*        JENNINGS J.B., BEST T.L., RAINEYS J.C. & BURNETT S.E. (2000) Molossus pretiosus. Mammalian Species. American Society of Mammalogists. No. 635, pp.1-3. [Cita Nicaragua].

*        JIMENEZ  I.  (2002) Heavy poaching in prime habitat: the conservation status of the West Indian manatee in Nicaragua. Oryx, 36(3): 272-278.

*        Jimenez I. (2005) Development of predictive models to explain the distribution of the West Indian manatee Trichechus manatus in tropical watercourses. Biological Conservation, 125:491-503.

*        Jolliffe B. (2005) The Elusive Manatee makes new friends in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. CEPF News, IX-2005, 4pp.

*        JONES  G. & HOLDERIED  M.W. (2006) Bat echolocation calls: adaptation and convergent evolution. Proceedings of The Royal Society B. 8pp.

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*        Jones J.K. (1965) Some Miskito Indian names for Mammals. Journal of Mammalogy, 46(2):353-354.

*        Jones, J. K., Jr., y  C. J. Phillips (1969).  Zoological Explorations in Nicaragua, Central America. Kansas University Museum of Natural History, Annual, 1968:  12-17.

*        Jones, J. K., Jr., y H. H. Genoways (1970).  Harvest Mice (Genus Reithrodontomys) of Nicaragua. Occasional                   Papers. Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, 2:1-16.

*        JONES J.K. & GENOWAYS H.H. (1971) Notes on the Biology of the Central American Squirrel, Sciurus richmondi. The American Midland Naturalist, 86(1):242-246. [Cita Nicaragua].

*        Jones, J. K., Jr., J. D. Smith, y R. W. Turner (1971).  Noteworthy Records of Bats from Nicaragua, with a Checklist of the Chiropteran Fauna of the Country.  Occasional Papers, Museum of Natural History, Univ. Kansas, 2:1-35.

*        Jones, J. K., Jr., y T. L. Yates (1983).  Review of the White-footed  Mice, Genus Peromyscus, of Nicaragua. Occasional Papers of the Museum, Texas Tech  University, 82:1-15.

*        Jones, J. K., Jr., y  M. D. Engstrom (1986).  Synopsis of the Rice Rats (genus Oryzomys) of Nicaragua. Occasional Papers of the Museum, Texas Tech  University, 103:1-23.

*        Jones, J. K., Jr., y  M. D. Engstrom (1986).  The Black-eared Rice Rat, Oryzomys melanotis  in Nicaragua. Southwestern Nat. 31:137.

*        Jones, J. K., Jr., y R. D. Owen (1986).  Checklist and Bibliography of Nicaraguan Chiroptera. Occasional Papers of the Museum, Texas Tech University, 106:1-13.

*        Jones J. K. Jr., Arroyo-Cabrales J. & Owen R.D. (1988).  Revised Checklist of Bats (Chiroptera) of Mexico and Central America.  Occasional Papers of the Museum, Texas Tech  University, 120:1-34.

*        Jones J.K. & Hood C.S. (1993) Synopsis of South American Bats of the Family Emballonuridae. Occasional Papers, The Museum Texas Tech University, 155:1-32.

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*        KIRBY  M.X. & MACFADDEN  B. (2005) Was southern Central America an archipelago or a peninsula in the middle Miocene? A test using land-mammal body size. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 228: 193-202.

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*        Kortlucke, S. M. (1973).  Morphological Variation in the Kinkajou, Potos flavos  (Mammalia: Procyonidae), in Middle America.  Occas. Papers Mus. Nat. Hist., Univ. Kansas, 17:1-36.

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*        LaVal, R. K. (1973).  Systematics of the Genus Rogeessa  (Chiroptera:  Vespertilionidae).  Occas. Papers Mus., Texas Tech Univ., 19:1-47.

*        Lawlor T.E. (1969) A Systematic Study of the Rodent Genus Ototylomys. Journal of Mammalogy, 50(1):28-42.

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*        Loveland, F. O. (1976) Tapirs and manatees: cosmological categories and social process among Rama Indians of eastern Nicaragua. Pp. 67-82. In Helms M.W. & Loveland F.O. (Eds.) Frontier Adaptations in Lower Central America. Philadelphia Institute for the Study of Human Issues, Philadelphia, PA., 178 pp.

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*        McCARTHY T. & MARTINEZ-SANCHEZ J.C. (xxxx) A proposal to initiate the national inventory of Nicaraguan mammals : a joint initiative of Fundacion Cocibolca and the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pennsylvania. Fundacion Cocibolca, 14 pp.

*        MAIS R., REID F.  & MEDINA-FITORIA A. (2012) Posters Informativo (45.7 x 60.9 cm): Importancia de los Murciélagos de Nicaragua: Los Murciélagos son Beneficiosos. Ed. Rob Mais, Fiona Reid y Arnulfo Medina-Fitoria. Bat Conservation International & Paso Pacifico. Marzo de 2012.

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*        MARENA (1999) Lista oficial de la Republica de Nicaragua: Lista de especies Nicaragüenses de fauna amenazadas o en peligro de extinción y que son objeto de regulación especial por parte del estado (Apéndice CITES). Pp. 99-123, in: Lista de fauna de importancia para la conservación en Centroamérica y México: Listas rojas, listas oficiales y especies en apéndices CITES. WWF, UICN, y Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA), San José, Costa Rica 230 pp.

*        MARENA/SINIA/RENIBIO (2008) Transfiriendo el conocimiento científico a la ciudadanía. Revista Biodiversidad, No. 1, 2008.

*        MARENA/FUNDAR/PNUD (2011) Fortalecimiento de capacidades para el establecimiento de un Programa de Monitoreo de Biodiversidad en Áreas Protegidas Pilotos del SINAP. Informe de consultoría 2010-2011, FUNDAR Managua. 55 p.

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Mammalian Species (Editor Virginia Hayssen) – Smith College – Clark Science Center – Northampton, USA – (739 pdf de especies de Mamíferos disponibles).