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La biblioteca virtual de BIO-NICA no tiene fines lucrativo, tan solo apoyar a investigadores, estudiantes y publico en general a documentarse en temas que tienen que ver con Biodiversidad.

Los documentos presentados son obtenidos de la Internet o de amigos o son publicaciones de miembros o asociados del Museo Entomológico o de ALAS.

Documentos sobre vegetación y flora, más generales se pueden encontrar en : Vegetación & Flora.






q  ANONIMO (xxxx) Nombres científicos y comunes de plantas de interés para la exportación. 47pp.

q  ANONIMO (xxxx) Enciclopedia de Plantas Medicinales. Fichas de plantas medicinales, 219pp.

q  ANONIMO (xxxx) Biotoptypen-Richtlinie des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt., 35pp.

q  BAUER U., BOHN H. F. & FEDERLE W. (2007) Harmless nectar source or deadly trap: Nepenthes pitchers are activated by rain, condensation and nectar. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 7pp.

q  BELL P.R. & HEMSLEY A.R. (2000) Green Plants. Their Origin and Diversity, Second edition. Cambridge University Press, 344pp.

q  BERMUDEZ M. M. & SANCHEZ G. J. (2000) Identificación de vacíos de información botánica en Centroamérica. WWF Centroamérica, Museo Nacional de Costa Rica, Red de Herbarios de Mesoamérica y el Caribe, 94 pp.

q  BURGER J.C., CHAPMAN M.A. BURKE J.M. (2008) Molecular insights into the evolution of crop plants. American Journal of Botany 95(2):113-122.

q  CHASE  M.W., SALAMIN  N., WILKINSON  M., DUNWELL  J.M., KASANAKURTHI  R.P., HAIDAR  N. & SAVOLAINEN  V. (2005) Land Plants and DNA barcotes: short-term and long-term goals. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B., 7pp.

q  CHASE  M.W., COWAN  R.S., HOLLINGSWORTH  P.M., VAN DEN BERG  C., MADRIÑAN  S., PETERSEN  G., SEBERG  O., JØRGSENSEN  T., CAMERON  K.M., CARINE  M., PEDERSEN  N., HEDDERSON  T.A.J., CONRAD  F., SALAZAR  G.A., RICHARDSON  J.E., HOLLINGSWORTH  M.L., BARRACLOUGH  T.G.,  KELLY  L. WILKINSON  M. (2007) A proposal for a standardized pprotocol to barcode all land plants. New Trends In Plant Systematics. Taxon, 56(2): 295-299.

q  COE  F.G. & ANDERSON  G. J. (1999) Ethnobotany of the Sumu (Ulwa) of Southeastern Nicaragua and Comparisons with Miskitu Plant Lore. Economic Botany, 53(4): 363-386.

q  DAVIDSON-HUNT  I. (2000) Ecological Ethnobotany: Stumbling Toward New Practices and Paradigms. University of Manitoba Winnpeg, Manitoba, 20pp.

q  ENQUIST B.J. & SULLIVAN J.J. (2001) Vegetative key and descriptions of tree species of the tropical dry forests of upland Sector Santa Rosa, Area de conservacion Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Landcare Research, New Zeland, 68pp. [cita Nicaragua]

q  FRIIS E.M. & CRANE P. (2007) New home for tiny aquatics. A shake-up of current thinking about the evolution of angiosperms- the flowering plants- is a consequence of the relocation of a hither to obscure branch on the angiosperm evolutionary tree. Nature 446:269-270.

q  GORDILLO M.M., DURAN R.C., CASTREJON REINA J.F., VALENCIA AVALOS S., JIMENEZ RAMIREZ J. & RUIZ-JIMENEZ C.A. (2004) Flora vascular de la porción guerrerense de la sierra de Taxco, Guerrero , México. Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Serie Botánica 75(2): 105-189.

q  GRIJALVA A., GRIJALVA L., FOSTER R.B. & GIBLIN M. (XXX) Flores atractivas de los caminos y jardines de Nicaragua.Andrew Mellon Foundation and Ellen Hyndman. A. Grijalba &  Environmental and Conservation Programs. The Field Museum, Chicago.IL.60605 USA, 4pp.

q  GRIJALVA PINEDA A. (2006) Flora útil. Ethnobotánica de Nicaragua. Proyecto Araucaria, MARENA, Nicaragua, 352 pp.

q  GUNNING B.E.S. & STEER M.W. (1996) Plant Cell Biology. Structure and Function. Jones and Bartlett Publisher, 210pp.

q  HAUSTORIUM  Parasitic Plants Newsletter. Official Organ of the International Parasitic Plant Society. No.  50   January   2007.

q  HUGHES  C. E., GOVINDARAJULU  R., ROBERTSON  A., FILER  D. L., HARRIS  S. A. & BAILEY  C. D. (2007) Serendipitous backyard hybridization and the origin of crops. PNAS,  6pp.

q  INBIO (2007) Centroamérica: Biodiversidad para el desarrollo. Información de plantas de Centroamérica al servicio de la sociedad. InBio, NORAD, 2pp.

q  INBIO (2007) Centroamérica: Biodiversidad para el desarrollo. Information about the plants of Central America to serve society. INBIO, Government of Norway, 2pp.

q  JANSEN R.K., CAI Zh., RAUBESON L.A., DANIELL H., dePAMPHILIS C.W., LEEBENS-MACK J., MULLER K.F., GUISINGER-BELLIAN M., HABERLE  R.C., HANSEN A.K., CHUMLEY T.W., LEE S.B., PEERY R., McNEAL J.R., KUEHL J.V. & BOORE J.L. (2007) Analysis of 81 genes from 64 plastid genomes resolves relationships in angiopsperms and identifies genome-scale evolutionary patterns. PNAS 104(49): 19369-19374.

q  JUDD W.S. et. al. (1999) Plant Systematics: a phylogenetic approach. Chapter 2. Methods and Principles of Biological Systematics. Pp. 9-33.

q  JUDD W.S. et. al. (1999) Plant Systematics: a phylogenetic approach. Chapter 4. Taxonomic evidence: Structural and Biochemical Characters. Pp. 45-91.

q  JUDD W.S. et. al. (1999) Plant Systematics: a phylogenetic approach. Chapter 5. Molecular Systematics. Pp. 93-106.

q  JUDD W.S. et. al. (1999) Plant Systematics: a phylogenetic approach. Chapter 8. Phylogenetic Relationships of Angiosperms. Pp. 161-229. (Al parecer no es completo).

q  JUDD W.S. et. al. (2002) Plant Systematics: a phylogenetic approach. Chapter 7. An Overview of Green Plant Phylogeny. (proof not correctly paginated). 32 pp.

q  KISSLING W. D., RAHBEK C. & BOHNING-GAESE K. (2006) Food plant diversity as broad-scale determinant of avian frugivore richness. Proceeding of The Royal Society, 10pp.

q  LAGOS-WHITE S. (2005) Conservation of Medicinal Plants in Central America and the Caribbean. IK Notes 93 (2006), 4pp. [cita Nicaragua]

q  LAVERGNE S. & MOLOFSKY J. (2007) Increased genetic variation and evolutionary potential drive the succes of an invasive grass. PNAS 104(10): 3883-3888

q  MING R., WANG J., MOORE P.H. & PATERSON A.H. (2007) Sex chromosomes in flowering plants. American Journal of Botany 94(2):141-150.

q  MOORE M.J., BELL Ch.D., SOLTIS P.S. & SOLTIS D.E. (2007) Using plastid genome-scale data to resolve enigmatic relationships among basal angiosperms. PNAS 104(49):19363-19368.

q  MULLER-SCHWARZE N.K. (2006) Antes and Hoy Dia: Plant Knowledge and Categorization as Adaptations to Life in Panama in the Twenty-First Century. Economic Botany,60(4):321-334.

q  MULLER WILLE S. (2007) The love of plants. Plant Taxonomy. Nature 446:1pp.

q  NICAEXPORT  (2007) Estudio de Inteligencia de Mercados: Estados Unidos-Plantas Ornamentales. NICAEXPORT, Cuenta Reto del Milenio (MCA-Nicaragua), Millenium Challenge Corporation., 197pp.

q  NOGUERA TALAVERA A. & BALSLEV H. (xxxx) Plantas útiles en el municipio El Castillo a partir de categorías de uso popular. La Calera. Recursos Naturales, 5pp.

q  PFRANGER R. (2013) Aula Verde: Botanica para jovenes. Fundacion RED-RSP, 182 pp.

q  RHIZOPOULOU  S. (2004) Symbolic plant(s) of the Olympic Games. Plant Culture. Journal of Experimental Botany, 55(403): 1601-1606.

q  RODRIGUEZ  FLORES   O.R., TORREZ CENTENO  E.A. & VALENZUELA BETANCO  R.A. (2005) Plantas utilizadas para el tratamiento de enfermedades en los animales domésticos, Reserva Natural El Tisey, Estelí. Trabajo de Diploma para optar al título: Técnico Superior Agropecuario. Universidad Católica Agropecuaria del Trópico Seco Pbro. Francisco Luis Espinoza Pineda. 152pp.

q  SCHAEFER H.M. & RUXTON G.D. (2007) Fatal attraction: carnivorous plants roll out the red carpet to lure insects. Biology letters 3pp.

q  TERRY I., WALTER G.H., MOORE Ch., ROEMER R. & HULL C. (2007) Odor-Mediated Push-Pull Pollination in Cycads. Science 318:1pp.

q  TERRY I., WALTER G.H., MOORE Ch., ROEMER R. & HULL C. (2007) Odor-Mediated Push-Pollination in Cycads. Suplement, Science 318, 5pp.

q  ZHENG  H., WU  Y., DING.  J., BINION  D., FU  W. & REARDON  R. (xxxx) Invasive Plants Established in the United States that are Found in Asia and Their Associated Natural Enemies. Volume 2. Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team. Technology Transfer. Biological Control. 185pp.




q  TRIPP  E. A. & MANOS  P. S. (2008) Is Floral Specialization an Evolutionary Dead-End? Pollination System Transitions in Ruellia (Acanthaceae). Evolution, 62(7): 1712-1737.




q  WEBBER B.L., MOOG J., CURTIS A.S.O. & WOODROW I.E. (2007) The diversity of ant-plant interations in the rainforest understorey tree, Ryparosa (Achariaceae): food bodies, domatia, prostomata, and hemipteran trophobionts. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 154:353-371.




q  SLOAN S.A., ZIMMERMAN J.K. & SABAT A.M. (2006) Phenology of Plumeria alba and its Herbivores in a Tropical Dry Forest. Biotropica, 7pp.




q  GLASSMAN S.F. (1964) Two new species of Palms from Nicaragua. Fieldiana: Botany, 31(1):5-9.




q  ONWUEME  I. (1999) Taro Cultivation in Asia And The Pacific. Agriculture Department, University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, FAO, 25pp.

q  SARACCO J.F., COLLAZO J.A., GROOM M.J. & CARLO T.A. (2005) Crop Size and Fruit Neighborhood Effect on Bird Visitation to Fruiting Schefflera morototoni Trees in Puerto Rico. Biotropica, 37(1):81-87.




q  COUVREUR T.L.P., HAHN W.J., de GRANVILLE J.J., PHAM J.L., LUDEÑA B. & PINTAUD J.C. (2007) Phylogenetic Relationships of the Cultivated Neotropical Palm Bactris gasipaes (Arecaceae) with its Wild Relatives Inferred from Chloroplast and Nuclear DNA Polymorphisms. Systematic Botany pp.519-130.

q  CUENCA A., ASMUSSEN-LANGE C.B. & BORCHSENIUS F. (2007) A dated phylogeny of the palm tribe Chamaedoreae supports Eocene dispersal between Africa, North and South America. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 16pp.

q  CUENCA A., ASMUSSEN-LANGE C. B. & BORCHSENIUS F. (2008) A dated phylogeny of the palm tribe Chamaedoreeae supports Eocene dispersal between Africa, North and South America. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 46: 760-775.

q  Garth R., Foster R., de la Cerda Iñigo & Vandermeer J. (xxxx) Tropical Forests of the South Autonomous Atlantic Region. Palms of the RAAS, Nicaragua. Environmental & Conservations Programs, The Field Museum, Chicago, USA, Rapid Color Guide 73:2 lams.

q  PIN  KOH  L. &  WILCOVE   D. S. (2007) Cashing in palm oil for conservation. Nature, 448: 993-994.




q  BELLO M.A., VALOIS-CUESTA H. & GONZALEZ F. (2006) Aristolochia grandiflora SW. (Aritolochiaceae): Desarrollo y Morfologia de la Flor mas larga del Mundo.Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc.Vol. XXX,115:181-194. [cita Nicaragua]




q  ZAPLACHINSKI  S. (2005) Utilizing Genomic Data For The Molecular Characterization Of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius). Sembiosys Genetics Inc. 19pp.




q  BITO D. (2006) An alien in an archipelago: Spathodea campanulata and the geographic variability of its moth (Lepidoptera) communities in the New Guinea and Bismarck Islands. Journal of Biogeography, 10 pp.

q  GROSE S.O. & OLMSTEAD R.G. (2007) Evolution of a Charismatic Neotropical Clade: Molecular Phylogeny of Tabebuia s. L., Crescentieae, and Allied Genera (Bignoniaceae). Systematic Botany, 32(3):650-659.

q  SILVA C.I., AUGUSTO S. C., SOFIA S.H. & MOSCHETA I.S. (2007) Diversidade de Abelhas em Tecoma stans (L.) Kunth (Bignoniaceae): Importancia na Polinizaçao e Produçao de Frutos. Neotropical Entomology 36(3):331-341.




q  LIEGEL L.H. & STEAD J.W. (xxxx) Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.) Oken, Capa prieto, laurel Boraginaceae. Familia delas borrajas. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service pp.270-277. [cita Nicaragua]




q  FRANKS S.J., SIM Sh. & WEIS A.E. (2006) Rapid evolution of flowering time by an annual plant in response to a climate fluctuacion. PNAS,104(4):1278-1282




q  LARGAESPADA C. (2003) Análisis comparativo de la riqueza de especies de la familia Bromeliaceae presentes en el Volcán Mombacho y Volcán Maderas, Departamentos de Granada y Rivas, Junio del 2004. Tesis de Licenciatura en Biología, UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua, 92pp.




q  Anónimo (xxx) Simmondsia chinensis – BUXACEAE. 6 pp.




q  FERGUSON B., BOUCHER D.H., PIZZI M. & RIVERA C. (1995) Recruitment and decay of a pulse of Cecropia in Nicaraguan rainforest damaged by Hurricane Joan: relation to mutualism with Azteca ants. Biotropica, 27:455-460.




q  DEVALL M.S. & THIEN L.B. (2005) Inland occurrence of the strand plant Ipomoea pes-caprae (Convolvulaceae) around Lake Nicaragua. The Southwestern Naturalist, 50(3):380-407.

q  PIEDADE-KIILL L.H. & TARODA RANGA N.T. (2000) Biologia floral e sistema de reproducao de Jacquemontia multiflora (Choisy) Hallier f. (Convolvulaceae). Revista Brasileira de Botanica, 23(1):37-43 pp.




q  WINTER K. & HOLTRUM A.M. (2007) Environment or Development? Lifetime Net CO2 exchange and control of the expression of Crassulacean acid metabolim in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum.  Plant Physiology, 143:98-107.




q  KORALL P., CONANT D.S., METZGAR J.S., SCHNEIDER H. & PRYER K.M. (2007) A molecular phylogeny of scaly tree ferns (Cyatheaceae). American Journal of Botany 94(5): 873-886.




q  USHIMARU A., WATANABE T. & NAKATA K. (2007) Colored Floral Organs Influence Pollinator  Behavior And Pollen Transfer In Commelina communis (Commelinaceae) American Journal of Botany 94(2): 249-258.




q  CAMELBEKE K. & GOETGHEBEUR P. (2002) The Genus Scleria (Cyperaceae) in Colombia, an Updated Checklist. El genero Scleria (Cyperaceae en Colombia. Una lista anotada. Caldasia 24(2): 259-268. [cita Nicaragua]




q  JOLIVET P. (2008) Leon Croizat. La vie romanesque d’un des plus grands specialistes des Euphorbiacees. Homme et Plantes, pp.10-13.




q  DELGADO-SALINAS  A., BIBLER  R. & LAVIN M. (2006) Phylogeny of the Genus Phaseolus (Leguminosae): A Recent Diversification in an Ancient Landscape. Systematic Botany, 31(4): 779-791.

q  GONZALEZ TORRES  R. I., ARAYA VILLALOBOS  R., GAITAN SOLIS  E. & DEBOUCK  D. G. (2004) Wild Common Bean In the Central Valley of Costa Rica: Ecological Distribution And Molecular Characterization. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 15(002): 145-153.

q  PARDINI E.A. & HAMRICK J.L. (2007) Herarchical Patterns of Paternity withing of Albizia julibrissin (Fabaceae). American Journal of Botany 94(1): 111-118.

q  USDA, IPGRI, CIAT, FAUSAC. (xxxx) Atlas de los parientes silvestres de las especies cultivadas nativas de Guatemala: Frijol (Phaseolus). USDA, IPGRI, CIAT, FAUSAC.,21pp.




q  COELHO RIBEIRO R., PAULO LEMOS, ALVES de SOUZA L. & NUNES RODRIGUES A.L. (2006) Entomofauna associada a cultivos de Heliconia spp. e Bastao-do-imperador (Etlingera elatior) nos Municipios de Belem, Benavides e Castanhal, no Estado do Pará. EMBRAPA Comunicado Técnico, 165:4 pp.




q  Pérez A.M. (2001) Determinación de los patrones espaciales de dispersión en Wigandia urens (Hidrophyllaceae) en una formación vegetal secundaria degradada. En Miscelanea Ecologica, UCA, Managua, Nicaragua, pp. 5-11.




q  MOLINA R. A. (1968) Two new Nicaraguan Juglandaceae. Fieldiana: Botany, 31(16):357-359.




q  ROJAS-ALVARADO A.F. (2002) New species, new combinations and new distributions in neotropical species of Elaphoglossum (Lomariopsidaceae). Rev.Biol. Trop. 50(3/4):969-1006.




q  FRANCIS J.K. (xxx) Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) H.B.K. Maricao. pp.96-100.




q  FRANCIS J.K. (xxxx) Miconia prasina (Sw.) DC. Melastomataceae. Research Forester, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry, Jardin Botanico Sur, 1201 Calle Ceiba, San Juan PR. 3pp. [cita Nicaragua]




q  ANONIMO (1992) Neem: A tree for solving Global Problems. National Academic Press, 152pp. (Cita Nicaragua).

q  GUILLEN J. (1999) Diagnostico de la caoba (Swietenia macrophylla King) en Mesoamerica Nicaragua. Centro Cientifico Tropical, 48pp.

q  PROARCA/CAPAS  (1999) Diagnostico de la caoba (Swietenia macrophylla King) en Mesoamerica. Validacion-Nicaragua. Centro Cientifico Tropical, 20pp.

q  WHITE G.M., BOSHIER D.H. & POWELL W. (2002) Increased pollen flow counteracts fragmentation in a tropical dry forest: an example from Swietenia humilis Zuccarini. PNAS, 99(4):2038-2042.




q  Ortiz-Gentry R. (xxxx) América Tropical. Géneros comunes de Menispermaceae. Environmental & Conservations Programs, The Field Museum, Chicago, USA, Rapid Color Guide 177:4 lams.




q  BRENES-ARGUEDAS T., COLEY Ph. D. & KURSAR Th. A. (2008) Divergence and diversity in the defensive ecology of Inga at two Neotropical sites. Journal of Ecology, 9pp.

q  NIETO VILLALOBOS H. (2000) Contibucion de Acacia pennatula (Carbon) a la productividad agroforestal sostenible de la Reserva Natural Miraflor-Moropotente, Esteli, Nicaragua. Tesis presentada para optar al grado de Magister Scientiae. CATIE, Costa Rica.,69pp.

q  SOUSA   M.S. (1993) El  Género Inga (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) Del Sur de Mexico Y Centroamérica, estudio Previo Para la Flora Mesoamericana. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 89(1): 223-269.




q  DE VIS M.J., de MORAES G.J. & BELLINI M.R. (2006) Mites (Acari) of Rubber Trees (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg., Euphorbiaceae) in Piracicaba, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Neotropical Entomology 35(1):112-120.  

q  Nuñez G. & Foster R. (xxxx) América Tropical. Géneros comunes de Moraceae. Environmental & Conservations Programs, The Field Museum, Chicago, USA, Rapid Color Guide 46:4 lams.




q  QUEENBOROUGH S.A., BURSLEM D.F.R.P., GARWOOD N.C. & VALENCIA R. (2007) Determinants of Biased Sex Ratios and Inter-Sex Costs of Reproduction in Dioecious Tropical Forest Trees. American Journal of Botany 94(1):67-78.




q  RICKETSON J.M. & PIPOLY J.J. (2003) Further additions to the Genus Ardisia Subgenus Graphardisia (Myrsinaceae) SIDA 20(4): 1423-1447. [cita Nicaragua].




q  HOOGWIJK M. (1998) Crop Modelling of Eucalyptus Plantations in Nicaragua. Report NW&S 98076, 43pp.




q  HEADS M. (2006) Panbiogeography of Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae): analysis of the main species massings. Journal of Biogeography, 33: 1066-1075.




q  SUN J.F.,GONG Y.B.,RENNER S.S. & HUANG Sh.Q. (2007) Multifuncional Bracts in the Dove Tree Davidia involucrata (Nyssaceae: Cornales): Rain protection and Pollinator Attraction. The American Naturalist, 171(1):119-124.




q  BORY  S., LUBINSKY  P., RISTERUCCI  A-M., NOYER  J-L., GRISONI  M., DUVAL  M-F. & BESSE  P. (2008) Patterns of Introduction and Diversification of Vanilla planifolia (Orchidaceae) In Runion Island (Indian Ocean). American Journal of Botany, 95(7): 805-815.

q  HELLER    A. H   (1968) New Eurystyles From Nicaragua.  Fieldiana: Botany, 31(11, 12, 13, 14): 279-284.

q  HELLER    A. H   (1969) A new Odontoglossum From Nicaragua.  Fieldiana: Botany, 32(5,6,7,8):73-76.

q  JOHNSON S.D., ELLIS A. & DOTTERL S. (2007) Specialization for Pollination by Beetles and Wasps: The role of Lollipop Hair and Fragance in Satyrium microrrhynchum (Orchidaceae). American Journal of Botany, 94(1):47-55.

q  LEDFORD H. (2007) The flower of seduction. Nature, 445: 816-817.

q  RAMIREZ S. R., GRAVENDEEL B., SINGER R. B., MARSHALL C. R. & PIERCE N. E. (2007) Dating the origin of the Orchidaceae from a fossil orchid with its pollinator. Nature 448: 1042-1045.

q  ROBERTS J.A., ALLMAN L.R., ANUKU Sh., BEALE C.R., BENSELER J.C., BURDON J., BUTTER R.W., CROOK K.R., MATHEW P., McGOUGH H.N., NEWMAN A. & ZAPPI D.C. (2002) CITES Orchid Checklist Volumes 1,2 y 3 Combined, 306pp.

q  SCOPECE G., WIDMER A. & COZZOLINO S. (2008) Evolution of Postzigotic Reproductive Isolation in a Guild of Deceptive Orchids. The American Naturalist, 171(3): 12pp.

q  SINGER  R. B. (2002) The Pollination Mechanism in Trigonidium obtusum Lindl (Orchidaceae: Maxillariinae): Sexual Mimicry and Trap-flowers. Annals of Botany, 89: 157-163.

q  VAN DEN BERGHE E.P. & GURDINA I. (2008) Las orquídeas de Nicaragua. Una guia de campo. USAID / MARENA, Managua, Nicaragua, 403 pp.

q  WHITTEN W.M., BLANCO M.A., WILLIAMS N.H., KOEHLER S., CARNEVALL G., SINGER R.B., ENDARA L. & NEUBIG K.M. (2007) Molecular Phylogenetics of Maxillaria and related Genera (Orchidaceae: Cymbidieae) Based on Combined Molecular Data Sets. American Journal of Botany 94(11):1860-1889.




q  HANSEN A.K., ESCOBAR L.K., GILBERT L.E. & JANSEN R.K. (2007) Paternal, Maternal,and Biparental Inheritance of the Chloroplast Genome In Passiflora (Passifloraceae): Implications for Phylogenetic Studies. American Journal of Botany 94(1): 42-46.




q  JOHNSON  D.V. (2000) Nicaragua ARAP. Agriculture Reconstruction Assistance Program. Use Of Paulownia For Forest Plantations In The Leon Region Of Nicaragua. AID Managua, Nicaragua.,15pp




q  DIAZ  V., MUÑIZ  M. & FERRER  E. (2001)  Random amplified polymorphic DNA and amplified fragment length polymorphism assessment of genetic variation in Nicaraguan populations of Pinus oocarpa. Molecular Ecology 10:2593-2603.

q  GILLESPIE  A.J.R.  (1992) Pinus patula Schiede & Deppe  Pinaceae. Familia de los pinos. Pino pátula, ocote. 6pp. [cita Nicaragua]

q  LOPEZ J., CALERO C.  CAMPBELL A. & MACHADO A. (XXXX)  Estado Forestal del Pinus caribaea Morelet Var. Hondurensis En El Pinal, Laguna de Perlas, RAAS. La Calera. Ciencias Forestales UNA, Managua, Nicaragua, 4pp.

q  PARSONS J.J. (1955) The Miskito Pine Savanna Of Nicaragua And Honduras. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 45(1):36-63.




q  KIKUCHI  D. W., LASSO  E., DALLING  J. W. & NUR  N. (2007) Pollinators and pollen dispersal of Piper dilatatum (Piperaceae) on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 23: 603-606.




q  CATASUS GUERRA L.J. (2002) Las Gramineas (Poaceae) de Cuba, II. Cavanillesia Altera (Madrid), 3:163 pp.

q  HOLST  I., MORENO  E. & PIPERMO  D. R. (2007) Identification of teosinte, Maize, and Tripsacum in Mesoamerica by using pollen, starch grains, and phytoliths. PNAS, 104(45): 17608-17613.

q  ILTIS   H.H. & BENZ  B.F. (2000)  Zea  nicaraguensis  (Poaceae), a New Teosinte from Pacific Coastal Nicaragua. Novon, 10(4): 382-390.




q  BATEMAN R. (2001) IMPECCA: an International, Collaborative Program to Investigate the Development of a Mycoherbicide for Use against Water Hyacinth in Africa. Biological and Integrated Control of Water Hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes.5pp.

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