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La biblioteca virtual de BIO-NICA no tiene fines lucrativo, tan solo apoyar a investigadores, estudiantes y publico en general a documentarse en temas que tienen que ver con Biodiversidad.

Los documentos presentados son obtenidos de la Internet o de amigos o son publicaciones de miembros o asociados del Museo Entomológico o de ALAS.





q  ANONIMO (2001) 2001 Host-Insect Index, Month by Month., 17pp.

q  ANONIMO (2002) Hirschkäfer- Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus). Naturschutz und Landschaftpflege in Brandenburg 11(1,2): 136-137.

q  ANONIMO (2004) Beetle smuggling: Part 2. Lord Howe Island Board, 1(2):3 pp. (Cita Lamprima insularis).

q  Anonimo (xxx) Family: Lucanidae. (New Zealand). Pp. 307-314.

q  ANONIMO (xxxx) Insect Taxonomy & Phylogeny Ent 5021 Coleoptera, 5pp.

q  ANONIMO (xxxx) Coleoptera: Elateridae, Lucanidae, Rhysodidae, pp. 299-318. (Cita Geodorcus auriculatus, Geodorcus ithaginis, Paralissotes mangonuiensis).

q  ANONIMO (xxxx) Kauai Flightless Stag Beetle Apterocyclus honoluluensis Coleoptera: Lucanidae. 1pp.

q  ANONIMO (xxxx) Lucanus cervus (L., 1758) Le Lucane Cerf-volant. Insectes -Coleopteres, pp.234-235.

q  ANONIMO (xxxx) Lucanidae de Japon, 10pp.

q  ANTONSSON K. & JANSON N. (2001) Les arbres anciens, leur faune et leur flore dans le paysage agricole du Comté de  Östergötland. Suede, pp-37-41.

q  ANTONSSON K. & JANSON N. (2001)  Ancient trees and their fauna and flora in the agricultural landscape in the Country of Östergötland. Swede, pp37-41.

q  ARAGON (1995) Catalogo de especies amenazadas. Comunidad Autonoma de Aragon. Decreto 49/1995 del 28 de Marzo., 9pp.                                       

q  ARNAUD P. & BOMANS H. (2006) Descriptions de deux genres et quatre nouvellees especes de Coleopteres Lucanidae du Perou. Besoiro 12: 6pp.

q  ARNOLD D.C. & DREW W.A. (1987) The stag Beetles of Oklahoma (Coleoptera : Lucanidae). A survey of the stag beetles of Oklahoma showed only six species in the state and three of these have only been found once. Keys, descriptions, and distribution data are presented  for these species. Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 67:27-29.

q  BABA M. (2005) Notes on the genus Sphaenognathus (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) from South America by Masaru Baba. Gekkan-Mushi 114: 4-16.

q  BAKER R.H. & WILKINSON G.S. (2001) Phylogenetic analysis of sexual dimorphism and eye-span allometry in stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae). Evolution 55(7):1373-1385.

q  BALKE M., JACH M.A. & HENDRICH L. (xxxx) Order Coleoptera. The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, 42pp.

q  BARTOLOZZI L. & ONORE G. (2006) Sphaenognathus (Chiasognathinus) xerophilus sp.n. from Peru. (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Koleopterologische Rundschau, 76: 361-365.

q  BARTOLOZZI L. & WAN X. (2006)  A new species of Prismognathus Motschulsky from Xizang (Tibet), China (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Lucanidae). Zootaxa 1129: 61-68.

q  BELL P., BLAKE G., CULLEN P., DELL M. & UNDERWOOD S. (2000) The Nature Conservation values of The Fortescue Bay Area And the Potential Impact of Increased Visitor Numbers. Reserve Design & Management (RD&M), 44pp. (Cita Lissotes menalcas).

q  BENESH B. (1953) Descriptions of new exotic species of stag-beetles (Lucanidae). The Coleopterists’ Bulletin VII(4): 8pp.

q  BOILEAU H. (xxx) Coléoptčres Lucanidae. (Cita Sclerostomus femoralis). p.35 (En un documento de 120 pp.).

q  BONAFONTE P. (xxxx) Noms américans des Coléopterčs. Bulletin du club Rosalia, 17:33-42.

q  BOND W.B. (1992-1998) Beetles Identified in Washington OH and Wood WV Countries., 2pp. (Cita Platycerus virescens).

q  BOWLING R. & MOCK D. (1999) Summary of Insect Diagnostic Services From January to June 1999. 9pp.

q  BRANCO T. (2007) Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) of Portugal: genus-group names and their type species. Zootaxa, 1453:1-31.

q  BRENNER U. (2003) Die Holzkäferfauna des Waldes der Fraport AG südlich des Flughafens Frankfurt Main. Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg- Arbeitsgruppe Biotopkartierung., 27pp.

q  BROCHIER B. CHALUMEAU F. (2000) Une nouvaelle espece de Chiasognathinae des Andes: Sphaenognathus bordoni (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Nouv. Revue Ent. (n.s.) 17(3): 253-255

q  BROOKES A.E. (1927) A New Genus and Three New Species of Coleoptera. Coleoptera, 4pp.

q  BROUN  T. (1875) Art. XXXII.-  Notes on the Coleoptera of Auckland, New Zealand. pp.262-271.

q  BROUN  T. (1880) Art. XXVIII.- On the Larva and Pupa of Ceratognathus irroratus. 2pp.

q  BROUN  T. (1908) Art. XXVII.- Notes on Coleoptera from the Chatham Islands. 7pp.

q  BROUN  T. (1909) Art. XXXVII.- Additions to the Coleopterous Fauna of the Chatham Islands. 5pp.

q  BRYANT  S. & JACKSON  J. (1999) Tasmania’s Threatened Fauna Handbook. What, Where and How to Protect Tasmania’s Threatened Animals. Park and Wildlife Service. Natural Heritage Trust, Tasmania Threatened Species Unit., 434pp.

q  BURMEISTER H. (1847) Handbuch der Entomologie. Band. V. Berlin. Viii+584 pp.

q  BURMEISTER H. (1855) Handbuch der Entomologie. Bievter Band. X+569 pp.

q  BUSATTA S. (xxxx) Cervo volante (Lucanus cervus). Animali e Animali, 2pp.

q  CATERINO M.S. (2003) The Beetles (Cleoptera) of the Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, 8pp.

q  CEKALOVIC R. T. (1982) Descripcion de la larva y pupa de Pycnosiphorus femoralis (Guerin,1839). (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Bol. Soc. Biol. De Concepcion, Chile. LIII:33-40

q  CHALUMEAU F. & BROCHIER B. (2001) Une Forme Fossile Nouvelle De Chiasognathinae: Protognathinus spielbergi (Coleoptera, Lucanidae). Lambillionea, CI, pp.593-595.

q  CHOATE P.M. (2003) Introduction to the Identification of Beetles (Coleoptera). Dichotomous Keys to Some Families of Florida Coeoptera. 12pp.

q  CITES (2002) Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) Ordinance. Annex C., 69pp. (Cita Colophon).

q  CITES (2003) Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) Ordinance (Cap. 187) Legislative Council Brief., 91pp. (Cita Colophon).

q  CITES (2003) Amendements aux Annexes I, II et III de la Convention Faite a Washington le 3 Mars 1973, sur le Commerce International des Especes de Fauna et Flore Sauvages Menacees D’extinction. Adoptes a Santiago du Chili en novembre 2002. Annexe a l’ordonnance souveraine No. 15.816 du juin 2003., 52pp. (Cita Colophon).

q  CLARKE G.M. & SPIER-ASHEROFT F. (xxxx) Australian Non-Marine Invertebrates. Natural Heritage Trust. Helping Communities Helping Australia, 145pp. (Cita Lissotes latidens).

q  CODE NATURA  (2000) Le Lucane cerf-volant. Lucanus cervus (Linne, 1758).  2pp.

q  CORAZZA C., CARAMORI G. & TAVARES A. (xxxx) Invertebrati Geofili Del Bosco Della Panfilia: Primi Risultati Di Un’Indagine Triennale. 8pp.

q  COWLING R.M., PRESSEY R.L., ROUGET M. & LOMBARD A.T. (2003) A conservation plan for a global biodiversity hotspot—the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. Biological Conservation 112: 191-216 (Cita Colophon).

q  DUJARDIN J.P., LE PONT F. & MARTINEZ E. (1999) Quantitative Phenetics and Taxonomy of Some Phlebotomine Taxa. Mem Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, 94(6): 735-741.

q  DUTTO M. (2004) Note su Biologia e Geonemia di Sinodendron cylindricum (Linne, 1758) (Coleoptera, Lucanidae). Lambillionea, CIV:240-242.

q  ECOSCAPE  (2003) Armadale Settlers common Management Plan. City of Armadale. Ecoscape (Australia) Pty Ltd., 144pp. (Cita Lamprima varians).

q  EMLEN D. J. & NIJHOUT H.F. (2000) The Development and Evolution of Exaggerated Morphologies in Insects. Annu. Rev. Entomol., 45: 661-708.

q  EMLEN D.J. & PHILIPS T.K. (2006) Phylogenetic Evidence for an Association Between Tunneling Behavior and the Evolution of Horns in Dung Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae). Coleopterists Society Monograph, 5: 47-56.

q  EMLEN D. J., CORLEY LAVINE L. & EWEN-CAMPEN B. (2007)On the origin and evolutionary diversificatio of beetle horns. PNAS, 104(s1): 8661-8668.

q  ENYEDI  R. (2004) Szarvaskő lemezescsápú (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidae) faunája. Fojia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis, 28: 135-140.

q  EVENHUIS N.L. & MILLER S.E. (1996) Rediscovery of Apterocyclus honoluluensis Waterhouse on Kauai (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers, Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1996, Part 2: Notes, 1pp.

q  FELSCHE C. (1906) Synonymische Bemerkungen uber einige Scarabaeiden aus der Tribus der Dynastini und Beschreibung einer neue Art. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1906, Heft II, pp. 349-352 (cita Metopodontus, Aegus).

q  FIENSCH  I. (xxxx) Lexikon der im Roman angesprochenen Insekten  von Ina Fiensch. Über Fernando Arrabals  La piedra iluminada. 11pp. (Cita Lucanus cervus).

q  FOREST CHECK  (2002) Report of Progress 2001-2002. Science Division. Government of Western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management. Conserving the nature of WA. 96pp. (Cita Syndesus).

q  GOMEZ Y GOMEZ B. & JUNGHANS C. (2002) Los Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) en la Filatelia. Cuadernos de Biodiversidad, No.11, Ańo IV, pp.10-14.

q  GOVERNMENT GAZETTE OF THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES.  (2004) Special Supplement. Local Government Act 1993-Proclamation. 584pp (Cita Lamprima insularis y Figulus howe).

q  GREBNIKOV V.V. & SCHOLTZ C.H. (2004) The basal phylogeny of Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) inferred from larval morphology. Invertebrate Systematics, 18:321-348.

q  GREEN C.J. (1998) Management of Geodorcus ithaginis (Lucanidae), New Zeland’s most endangered stag beetle? Ecological Society Newsletter, 88: pp.13

q  GREHAN J.R. (1980) Record of Ceratognathus passaliformis (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) in Wainuiomata, New Zealand. New Zealand Entomologist, 7(2):171-173.

q  GROSSI P.C., RACCA-FILHO F. & VAZ-DE-MELLO F.Z. (2003) A new Aegognathus Leuthner, 1883 (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) from Brazil. Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl., Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 50(2):249-254.

q  GROSSI P.C., RACCA-FILHO F. (2004) A new Brazilian stag beetle of the genus Sclerostomus Burmeister,1847 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Zootaxa 575:1-4.

q  HAWKESWOOD T.J. (1985) Host plant record for Figulus regularis Westwood (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Col. Bull., 39(3):200.

q  HAWKESWOOD T. J. (2006) Description of the pupa of Ryssonotus nebulosus (Kirby, 1818) (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) with a review of biology of adults and notes on larval host plants. Calodema 6: 2pp.

q  HEBERT P.D.N., CYWINSKA A., BALL Sh. L. & de WAARD J.R. (2002) Biological identifications through DNA barcodes. The Royal Society. 9pp.

q  HOFFSTEN  PER-OLA & PETTERSON  R.B. (2001) Vedlevande skalbaggar vid Övre Tälningsĺn i Hälsingland. Natur i Norr, Umeĺ., häfte 2: 61-76 (Cita Platycerus caprea).

q  HOLLOWAY B.A. (1996) Two new genera of New Zealand stag beetles previously treated as Dorcus MacLeay and Lissotes Westwood (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 23:61-66.

q  HOLLOWAY B.A. (1997) Elytral surface structures as indicators of relationships in stag beetles, with special reference to the New Zealand species (Coleoptera: Lucanidae).. New  Zealand Journal of Zoology, 24: 47-64.

q  HOLLOWAY B. A. (1998) A re-valuation of the genera of New Zealand Aesalina stag beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Journal of The Royal Society of New Zealand 28(4): 641-656.

q  HORČIČKO I. (2002) Dominancy of beetle Families and species recorded in Floodplain forest Ecotone. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultas Rerum Naturalium (2001-2002) Biologica, 39-40:41-64 (Cita Platycerus caraboides).

q  HORČIČKO I. (2002) Stability of beetle occurrence inside Floplain Forest. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultas Rerum Naturalium (2001-2002) Biologica, 39-40:65-79 (Cita Platycerus caprea).

q  HOSOYA T. & ARAYA K. (2005) Phylogeny of Japanese Stag Beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) Inferred from 16S mtrRNA Gene Sequences, with Reference to the Evolution of Sexual Dimorphism of Mandibles. Zoological Science 22: 1305-1318.

q  HUANG H. (2006) New descriptions and notes on Chinese stag-beetles, with discovery of the second species of Noseolucanus from SE Tibet. (Coleoptera, Lucanidae). Coleoptera 10: 11-34.

q  HUDSON G.V. (1889) An Entomological Tour on the Table-land of Mount Arthur. Transactions, Zoology,  179- 186 (Cita Ceratognathus foveolatus).

q  HUDSON G.V. (1920) On some Examples of New Zealand Insects illustrating the Darwinian Principle of Sexual Selection. F.E.S., F.N.Z.Inst., 431-438 (Cita Lissotes).

q  HUDSON G.V. (1923) An Index of New Zeland Beetles. F.E.S., F.N.Z.Inst., 353-399.

q  HUNG L. M., DU T.T. & TRAC V.H. (2002) A Rapid Field Survey of Xin Man and Yen Minh Districts, Ha Giang Province, Vietnam. Danida BirdLife International Vietnam Programme Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources and Ha Giang Provincial Departmant of Forest Protection., 22pp (Cita Dorcus titanus westermanni, Lucanus, Neolucanus, Nigidionus).

q  HUTTON F.W. (1897) On a Collection of Insects from the Chatham Islands, with Descriptions of Three New Species. Canterbury Museum, Christchurch., 6pp. (Cita Ceratognathus heltoides).

q  JENG M.L., HWEI-YUNG L. & PING-SHIH Y. (2003) Cyclommatus taiwanus Bomans, a New Synonym of C. asahinai Kurosawa (Coleoptera: Lucanidae)., Formosan Entomol. 23: 245-247.

q  JEREMIAS X. & ESCOLA O. (2003) Nuevos registros de Pseudolucanus barbarossa (Fabricius,1801) (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) En Cataluńa, y algunas observaciones sobre su biologia. Bol. S.E.A. 32: 99-103.

q  JUAN C., EMERSON B.C., OROMI P. & HEWITT G.M. (2000) Colonization and diversification: towards a phylogeographic syntehesis for the Canary Islands. Reviews, Tree 15(3):194-109.

q  KAMEOKA S. & KIYONO H. (2003) A Survey of the Rhinoceros Beetle and Stag Beetle Market in Japan.  TRAFFIC East Asia-Japan. 80pp.

q  KAWANO K. (2003) Character Displacement in Stag Beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae).  Ann. Entolmol. Soc. Am. 96(4): 503-511.

q  KAWANO K. (2004) Developmental Stability and Adaptative Variability of Male Genitalia in Sexually Dimorphic Beetles. The American Naturalist, 163(1): 1-16.

q  KLINGENBERG C. P. & NIJHOUT H. F. (1998) Competition among growing organs and developmental control of morphological asymmetry. The Royal Society.,263: 1135-1139.

q  KNELL R.J., POMFRET J.C. & TOMKINS J.L. (2004) The limits of elaboration: curved allometries reveal the constraints on mandible size in stag beetles. Prec. Royal Society Lond. B., 271: 523-528. (Lucanus).

q  KODRIC-BROWN A., SIBLY R.M. & BROWN J.H. (2006) The Allometry of ornaments and weapons. PNAS, 103(23): 8733-8738. (Cita Neolucanus, Cyclommatus).

q  KOHLMANN B. & MORON M.A. (2003) ANALISIS HISTORICO DE LA CLASIFICACION DE LOS Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea o Lamellicornia. Acta Zoologica Mexicana (n.s) 90: 175-280.

q  KOLLER R. & PARTSCH S. (2002) Cevennen 2002. Kafer (Coleoptera). Pp.65-66. (Cita Dorcus parallelopipedus).

q  KRELL  F-T.  (2007) Catalogue of fossil Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera: Polyphaga) of the Mesozoic and Tertiary-version 2007-. DMNS Technical Report, 81pp.

q  LANDESGESETZBLATT  FÜR OBERÖSTRREICH (2003) Verordnung der Oö.  Landesregierung uber den Schutz wildwachsender Pflanzen und  Pilze sowie freilebender Tiere. (Oö. Artenschutzverordnung). 73: 185-192 (Cita Lucanus cervus).

q  LAS CRUCES. (2006) Biological Station Bibliography. Organization for Tropical Studies Library., 52pp. (Cita Cantharolethrus).

q  LAWRENCE J.F. (1981) The occurrence of Syndesus cornutus (F.) in Structural Timber (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). J. Aust. Ent. Soc., 20:171-172.

q  LESCHEN  R. A. B. (2000) Pseudoliodini (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Leiodinae) of New Zealand. New Zealand Entomologist, 22: 33-44.

q  LEWIS J. H. (1901) Notes on Coleoptera. Transactions Zoology, pp.201-204. (Lissotes acmenus).

q  LOWMAN M.D., BURGESS A.D. & HIGGINS W.D. (1987) Tha biomass of New England peppermint (Eucalyptus nova-anglica) in relation to insect damage associated with rural dieback. Australian Journal of Ecology, 12: 361-371. (Cita Lamprima aurata).

q  MAES J.M. (1980) Communication. (Lucanidae de l'île Arfak). Bull. Ann. Soc. R. Belge Ent., 116:210.

q  MAES J.M. (1981) Contribution ŕ l'étude des coléoptčres Lucanidae Odontolabinae. Bull. Inst. R. Sci. Nat. Belg., 53(3):7pp.

q  MAES J.M. (1981) Note sur les Odontolabis du groupe castelnaudi (Coleoptera Lucanidae). Bull. Ann. Soc. R. Belge Ent., 117:145-147.

q  MAES J.M. (1981) Note sur le genre Psalidoremus Motschulsky 1861 (Coleoptera Lucanidae). Bull. Ann. Soc. R. Belge Ent., 117:157-158.

q  MAES J.M. (1981) Notes sur les Cladognathinae (Coleoptera Lucanidae) de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Bull. Inst. R. Belge Ent., 53(9):5pp.

q  MAES J.M. (1981) Communication. (Casignetus humboldti). Bull. Ann. Soc. R. Belge Ent., 117:227.

q  MAES J.M. (1981) Note sur les Dorcinae (Coleoptera Lucanidae) de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Bull. Inst. R. Sci. Nat. Belg., 53(24):13pp.

q  MAES J.M. (1983) Description de l'apallotype de Prosopocoilus hasterti Boileau (Coleoptera Lucanidae). Bull. Ann. Soc. R. Belge Ent., 119:57-58.

q  MAES J.M. (1987) Contribucion al estudio de la filogenia de los Lucanidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). Aplicacion de la taxonomia numerica. VI JUDC, Leon, Nicaragua, pp.111-112.

q  MAES J.M. (1988) Evolucion de los Lucanidae (Coleoptera). VII JUDC, Leon, Nicaragua, p.132.

q  MAES J.M. (1990) Notas diversas sobre la taxonomia de los Lucanidae (Coleoptera). Rev. Nica. Ent., 11:1-34.

q  MAES J.M. (1990) Evolution des Coléoptčres Lucanidae. Résultats préliminaires. III Conf. Int. Ent. Exp. Fr., Belg., p.136.

q  MAES J.M. (1992) Nota sobre el subgenero Lasiodorcus, del genero Serrognathus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Rev. Nica. Ent., 19:9-20.

q  MAES J.M. (1992) Lucanidae (Coleoptera) de las islas Comores. Rev. Nica. Ent., 19:49-54.

q  MAES J.M. (1992) Nota sobre Mesotopus tarandus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Rev. Nica. Ent., 20:23-27.

q  MAES J.M. (1992) Estudio del genero Serrognathus, subgenero Lasiodorcus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae): taxonomia, distribución y morfologia. Resumenes del 1° congreso centroamericano de entomologia y combate natural de plagas y 2° congreso costarricense de Entomologia, San José, Costa Rica, p.29.

q  MAES J.M. (1992) Lista de los Lucanidae (Coleoptera) del mundo. Rev. Nica. Ent., 22:1-121.

q  MAES J.M. (1993) Estudio del género Serrognathus, subgénero Lasiodorcus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae): taxonomía, distribución y morfología. Revista Manejo Integradfo de Plagas, CATIE, Costa Rica, 29:43-47.

q  MAES J.M. (1994) Serrognathus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) subgenero Lasiodorcus: nota sinonimica. Rev. Nica. Ent., 29:1-2.

q  MAES J.M. (1996) Nota sobre Rhaetulus speciosus Boileau (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Rev. Nica. Ent., 35:7-12.

q  MAES J.M. (1997) Familia Lucanidae., 1 p.

q  MAES J.M. (1998) El genero Cardanus (Coleoptera : Lucanidae). Rev. Nica. Ent., 43:27-30.

q  MAES J.M. & PAULY A. (1998) Lucanidae (Coleoptera) du Gabon. Bull. Annls. Soc. r. belge Ent., 134:279-285.

q  MAES J.M. (2000) Lucanidae de China: Hainan. No publicado, 6pp.

q  MAES J.M. (2000) Lucanidae de Laos. No publicado, 24pp.

q  MAES J.M. (2000) Lucanidae Of Benin. No publicado, 6pp.

q  MAES J.M. & PINRATANA A. (2002) CD ROM. Lucanidae of Thailand. Museo Entomológico de León.

q  MAES J.M. & SOLIS A. (2002) El género Cantharolethrus Thomson (Coleoptera : Lucanidae) en Centroamérica. Dugesiana, 9(2):1-6.

q  MAES J.M. & PINRATANA A. (2003) Lucanidae of Thailand. Brothers of St. Gabriel, Bangkok, Thailand. 248 pp.

q  MAES J.M. (2006) Cyclommatus (Cyclommatus) PARRY, 1863 (Coleoptera : Lucanidae).

q  MALDONADO SEARES C. (2002) Evaluacion de la disponibilidad de habitat para especies amenazadas de Flora y Fauna en los principales sistemas forestales del Parque Natural de Gorbea. Informe final del proyecto. 55pp. (Cita Lucanus cervus).

q  McKEY-FENDER  D. (1948) Distribution in Certain Lucanidae. The Coleopterists’ Bulletin II(5): 43-44.

q  McNAMARA J. (xxxx) Family Lucanidae (Stag Beetles), 2pp.

q  MEGG J.M. (2002) Potential impact of firewood harvesting on invertegrate biodiversity. Pp. 104-105. En KSITCHELL M. Welcome to the Launceston Firewood: A Biodiversity, Consumer and Human Health Issue Conference. Natural Heritage Trust. Launceston Firewood Conference 2001. Tasmanian Conservation Trust. July 2002, pp.87-134 (Cita Lissotes).

q  MEGGS J.M. & MUNKS S.A. (2002) Method for Surveying for Threatened Stag Beetle Species (version 17.10.02). Forest Practices Board. Fauna Technical Note Series No. 11,6pp.

q  MEGGS J.M., MUNKS S.A. & CORKREY  R. (2003) The distribution and habitat characteristics of a threatened lucanid beetle Hoplogonus simsoni in north-east Tasmania. Pacific Conservation Biology 9: 172-186.

q  MEGGS J.M., MUNKS S.A. & CORKREY R. & RICHARDS K. (2004 ) Development and evaluation of predictive habitat models to assist the conservation planning of a threatened lucanid beetle, Hoplogonus simsoni, in north-east Tasmania. Biological Conservation 118: 501-511.

q  MELSHEIMER F.V. (1806) A Catalogue of Insects of Pennsylvania, 34pp.

q  MENDEZ IGLESIAS M. (2003) Distribucion de Pseudolucanus barbarossa (Fabricius 1801) (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) en la Peninsula Iberica. Grupo de Trabajo sobre Lucanidos Ibericos. Bol. S E A, 32: 257-266.

q  MENDEZ  M. (2003) Enquiry data provided on 14th October 2003. Biodiversidad y Conservación (Madrid), Spain, 3pp. (Cita los Lucanidae de Espańa).

q  MOLINO-OLMEDO F. (2001) Cladistica del género Chiasognathus Stephens, 1831 y Sphaenognathus Buquet, 1838 con proposición de subgeneros nuevos (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Revista Chilena de Entomología, 28:79-85.

q  MOLINO-OLMEDO F. (2001) Cladística del género Chiasognathus Stephens, 1831 con proposición de subgéneros nuevos (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Elytron, 15:119-128.

q  MOLINO-OLMEDO F. (2003) Posición taxonómica de Chiasognathinus Didier & Seguy, 1953, Sphaenognathinus Chalumeau & Brochier, 1995, y Chiasornithodus Chalumeau & Brochier,1995 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Rev. Per. Ent. 43: 13-19.

q  MOLINO-OLMEDO F. (2004) Descripción de la larva y la pupa de Pycnosiphorus lessonii marginipennis (Deyrolle, 1870) (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Lambillionea CIV(3): 446-452.

q  MOLINO-OLMEDO F. (2005) Bomansodus CHALUMEAU Y BROCHIER, 1995, nueva sinonimia de Chiasognathus STEPHENS, 1831 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Revista Chilena de Entomología, 31:37-42.

q  MOORE B.P. & MONTEITH G.B. (2004) A second Australian Species of Gondwanan Stag Beetle Genus Sphaenognathus Buquet (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 49(2):693-699.

q  MORON RIOS M.A. (1998) Diversidad de Coleopteros Scarabaeoidea del Estado de Puebla (I). Informe Final del Proyecto H125,Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Instituto de Ciencias, Departamento de Investigación en Ciencias Agrícolas, 22pp.

q  NAVARRETE HEREDIA  J.L. (xxxx) Coleoptera (Lamellicornia). 13pp.

q  NEGROBOV  S.O. (1999) On the Fauna and Ecology of the Stag Beetles and Scarabaeids (Coleoptera: Lucanidae, Scarabaeidae) of Voronezh Province. 1pp. (resumen solamente).

q  NOLTE  O., GEGINAT  G. & WEIHRAUCH  H. (1995) Ergänzungsantrag an das  Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt (Obere Naturschutzbehörde). 14pp. (Cita Lucanus cervus, Dircus, Platycerus).

q  NUMHAUSER T. J. (1981) Perspectiva historica de los cambios sinonimicos en las especies del genero Chiasognathus Stephens (Ins. Coleoptera. Lucanidae). Rev. Chilena Ent., 11:17-28.

q  NUMHAUSER T. J. (1991) Observaciones sobre el genero Pycnosiphorus: grupo fasciatus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Rev. Chilena Ent., 19:51-57.

q  ONORE G. & BARTOLOZZI L. (2008) Description of the larvaer of Sphaenognathus (Chiasognathinus) gaujoni (Oberthur, 1885) and S. (C.) xerophilus Bartolozzi & Onore, 2006 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae), with observations about their altitudinal range extension. Biodiversity of South America. I. Memoirs on Biodiversity, World Biodiversity Association onlus, Verona, Italy, 1:399-406.

q  PAULSEN M.J. (2005) A revision of the southern South American stag beetles of the genus Sclerostomus Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Lucanidae). Zootaxa, 1060: 1-26.

q  PAULSEN M.J. & MOCADA E. J. (2006) Revision of the South American Ceratognathini (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) with the description of a new genus and a new species. Zootaxa, 1191: 1-19.

q  PAULSON M.J. & SMITH A.D. (2005) A new species of stag beetle from sand dunes in west Texas, and a synopsis of the genus Nicagus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Aesalinae: Nicagini). Zootaxa, 1050:45-60.

q    PAWSON S.M. & EMBERSON R.M. (2000) The conservation status of invertebrates in Canterbury. Conservation dvisory Science Notes No. 320, Department of Conservation, Wellington (New Zealand). 18 pp.

q  RANIUS T. (2002) Population ecology and conservation of beetles and pseudoscopions living in hollow in Sweden. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 25(1): 53-68.

q  RATCLIFFE B.C. (2002) A checklist of the Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) of Panama. Zootaxa, 32: 1-48. (Cita Aesalus, Cantharolethrus).

q  RATCLIFFE B.C. & CHRISTEN J. (2002) Lucanus elaphus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) Discovered in Nebraska, with Brief Notes on its Biology and Identification. Entomological News, 113(1): 68-70.

q  RATCLIFFE B.C. (xxxx) 23.-Lucanidae Latreille 1804, pp.6-9 (Lista Lucanidae de USA).

q  RATTI E. (1984) Il Bosco Di Carpenedo (Venezia) - 3° Osservazioni sullaColeoptterofauna Di Un Lembo Relitto Di Foresta Planiziale. Lavori- Soc Ven. Sc. Nat., 9(2):181-191 (Cita Dorcus parallelopipedus).

q  RECALDE J.I. & SAN MARTIN A.F. (2002) Apuntes sobre la conservacion y el conocimiento de los insectos. Gorosti, pp87-99 (Cita Pseudolucanus barbarossa).

q  REID C.A.M. (1999) A New Generic Synonym In The Australian Lucanidae (Coleoptera). The Coleopterists Bulletin, 53(2): 175-177.

q  REYES-CASTILLO P., ROJAS GOMEZ C.V. & VAZQUEZ SANCHEZ H.A. (2004) Passalidae y Lucanidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidae) de Mexico. Informe Final del Proyecto AA014 Instituto de Ecologia AC. Division de Ecologia y Comportamiento Animal, Departamento de Biologia de Suelos. 14pp.

q  ROIG-JUŃENT S., FLORES G.E., OCAMPO F.C. & SMITH A. B. (2004) Nuevas citas de Coleoptera para la Argentina (Carabidae, Lucanidae, Scarabaeidae y Tenebrionidae). Rev. Soc. Entomol, Argent. 63(3-4): 45-48 (Cita Pycnosiphorus).

q  ROLSTAD J. & GJERDE I. (2003) Skoglevende organismers spredninsevne –en litteraturgjennomgang. Aktuelt fra skogforskningen, 1/03: 42pp.

q  ROZNER Gy. (2001) Somogy megye dögbogár, sutabogár és lemezescsápú bogár faunája (Coleoptera: Silphidae, Histeridae, Lamellicornia). Natura Somogyensis, 1:161-167 (Cita Lucanus, Dorcus, Platycerus, Aesalus).

q  SCHENK K.D. (2006) Contribution to the knowledge of the Stag beetles (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) and description of several new taxa. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Hirschkäfer (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) und Beschreibung mehrerer neuer Arten. Animma.X, 15: 1-17.

q  SCHENK K.D. (2006) Ein neuer Lucanus Scopoli, 1763 von Nord-Indien (Coleoptera, Lucanidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift-Stuttgart, 116(6): 271-272.

q  SCHMIDA G. (2006) Insect Gallery. Nature Australia Summer 2005-2006:65-67 (Cita Lamprima aurata).

q  SCHÜTZ  P.(2000) Der Insektenhandel in Deutschland unter Besondere Berücksichtigung der Schmetterlinge (Lepidoptera). Flugel Hinter Glas, 63pp. (Cita Colophon).

q  S.E.A. (2003) Distrbucion de Pseudolucanus barbarossa (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) en La Peninsula Iberica. Grupo de Trabajo sobre Lucanidae Ibericos. S.E.A. 32: 257-266.

q  SEQUEIRA A.S. & FARRELL B.D. (2001) Evolutionary origins of Gondwanan interactions: How old are Araucaria beetle hervibores? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 74: 459-474 (Cita Sphaenognathus).

q  SIKES D.S. (2003) The beetle fauna of the state of Rhode Island, USA (Coleoptera): 656 new state records. Zootaxa 340: 1-38 (Cita Platycerus).

q  SIKES D.S. (xxxx) Beetle Fauna of Rhode Island., 22pp (Cita Platycerus).

q  SKELLEY P.E. (2003) HARPOOTLIAN P.J. 2001. Scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of South Carolina. Florida Entomologist 86(4):pp.496.

q  SMITH  A.B.T. (2002) Checklist of the Scarabaeoidea of the Nearctic Realm. Including Canada, the continental United States, and the northern Mexican states of Baja California, Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Coahuila de Zaragoza, Durango, Nuevo Leon, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas, and Zacatecas. Version 2-released 30 agosto 2002, 73pp.

q  SMITH A.B.T. (2006) A Review of the Family-Group Names for the Superfamily Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) with Corrections to Nomenclature and a Current Classfication. Coleopterists Society Monograph 5: 144-204.

q  SMITH W.W. (1901) On Mites attacking Beetles and Moths. F.E.S., 3pp. (Cita Lissotes).

q  SPRECHER-UEBERSAX E. (2004) Faunistical and taxonomical notes about Lucanidae in Nepal (Insecta: Coleoptera). En HARTMANN M. & BAUMBACH H. Biodiversitat & Naturausstattung im Himalata. Pp. 205-209.

q  SOLIS A. (xxxx) Metodos y tecnicas de recolecta para coleopteros Scarabaeoideos. 13pp.

q  STAINES C.L. (2001) Distribution of Lucanus elaphus Linnaeus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) in North America. The Coleopterists Bulletin, 55(4):397-404.

q  STOLTZE M. & PIHL S. (1997) Over planter og dyr i Danmarks. Miljo- og Energiministeriet, Danmarks Miljo-undersogelser og Skov- og Naturstyrelsen, 48pp. (Cita Dorcus).

q  TATSUTA H., MIZOTA K. & AKIMOTO S.I. (2001) Allometric Patterns of Heads and Genitalia in the Stag Beetle Lucanus maculifemoratus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae).Entomological Society of America, 5pp.

q  THOMS M. & ZERNING M. (2003) Im Land Brandenburg vorkommende Tierarten-Gefährdungs- und Schutzstatus. 20pp. (Cita Lucanus cervus).

q  VALLAURI  D., ANDRÉ  J. & BLONDEL  J. (2002) Le bois mort, un attribut vital de la biodiversité de la foręt naturelle. Une lacune des foręts gérées. WWF Rapport scientifique. 34 pp. (Cita Lucanus cervus).

q  VAN WAEREBEKE D. (1970) Deux Oxyures Parasites de Larves de Lucanidae a Madagascar. Entomophaga, 15(1): 5-14.

q  VAUCEL G. (2002) Compte-rendu de la sortie entomologique. Bulletin de Liaison No.505 Janvier 2003, 2pp. (Cita Lucanus, Dorcus).

q  VREZEC A., KAPLA A., GROBETNIK V. & GOVEDIC M. (2006)Analiza razširjenosti in ocena velikosti populacije rogača (Lucanus cervus) s predlogom conacije Natura 2000 območja Goričko (SI3000221). (Projekt: “Zasnova conacij izbranih Natura 2000 območij” (7174201-01-010002) Phare čezmejno sodelovanje Slovenija-Avztrija 2003). Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Ljubljana in Center za kartografijo favne in flore, Miklavž na Dravskem polju. 39 str.,digitalne priloge. 40pp.

q  VREZEC A. (xxxx) Predlog monitoringa Hroščev (Coleoptera). CRP projeckt “Razvoj mednarodno primerljivih kazalnikov biotske pestrosti v Sloveniji in nastavitev in monitoringa....” Franc FERLIN, vodja projeckta., pp.11-46 (Cita Lucanus cervus).

q  WABMER THOMAS (1995) Mistkäfer (Scarabaeoidea et Hydrophilidae) als Bioindikatoren für die Naturschützerische Bewertung von Weidebiotopen. Z. Ökologie u. Naturschutz 4:135-142.              

q  WARRINER M.D. (2004) Giant Stag Beetle- Lucanus elaphus. Arkansas Natural Heritage Commision. Rare Insect Fact Sheet. 1pp.

q  WARZEE N., LEMPEREUR J.-M., MURET P. & DRUMONT A. (2004) Les Lucanoidea et les Scarabaeoidea de Wellin : 2eme Note sur les Coleopteres de ce Cantonnement. Lambillionea, CIV(3) :459-467. (Cita Sinodendron, Platycerus).

q  WILLIAMS G. (2002) A Taxonomic and Biogeographic Review of the Invertebrates of the Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves of Australia (CERRA) World Heritage Area, and Adjacent Regions. Technical Reports of the Australian Museum, 16: 212pp. (Cita los Lucanidae de Australia).

q  YEE M., YUAN Z.Q. & MOHAMMED C. (2001) Not just waste wood: decaying logs as key habitats in Tasmania’s wet sclerophyll Eucalyptus obliqua production forests: the ecology of large and small logs compared. Tasforests, 13(1): 119-128 (Cita Lissotes, Syndesus).

q  ZILIOLI M. (2003) Lucanus brivioi n.sp., new stag beetle from the Wuyi shan mountains, Fujian, China (Coleoptera). Atti. Soc. it. Sci. Nat. Museo civ.Stor. nat. Milano 144(II): 265-272.

q  ZILIOLI M. (2003) Lucanus adelmae n. sp., a new stag-beetle from Myanmar (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Atti. Soc. it. Sci. Nat. Museo civ.Stor. nat. Milano 144(I): 83-89