La biblioteca virtual de BIO-NICA no tiene fines lucrativo, tan solo apoyar a investigadores, estudiantes y publico en general a documentarse en temas que tienen que ver con Biodiversidad.

Los documentos presentados son obtenidos de la Internet o de amigos o son publicaciones de miembros o asociados del Museo Entomológico o de ALAS.




q       ANONIMO (xxx)  Mystery Towers in Peru Are an Ancient Solar Calendar. Science 315:pp1206.

q       BANKS W.E., D’ERRICO F., DIBBLE  H.L., KRISHTALKA L., WEST D., OLSZEWSKI D.I., PETERSON A.T., ANDERSON D.G., GILLAM J.C., MONTET-WHITE A., CRUCIFIX M., MAREAN C.W., SANCHEZ-GOÑI M.F., WOHLFARTH B. & VANHAERAN M. (2006) Eco-cultural Niche Modeling: New Tools for Reconstructing the Geography and Ecology of Past Human Populations. PaleoAntropology Society, pp.68-83.

q       BOVALLIUS C.(1886) Nicaraguan Antiquities. Swedish Society of Anthropology and Geography, Stockholm. 50 pp., 40 lam., 2 mapas.

q       BRANSFORD J.F. (1881) Archaeological Researches in Nicaragua. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 383:120 pp.

q       BRUMM A., AZIZ F., van den BERGH G.D,, MORWOOD M.J., MOORE M.W., KURNIAWAN I., HOBBS D.R. & FULLAGAR R. (2006) Early stone technology on Flores and its implications for Homo floresensis. Nature, 441:624-628.

q       CURRY A. (2007) Digging Into a Desert Mystery. A systematic campaign of aerial photography and archaeological digs has shed light on the enigmatic Nasca Lines, massive designs created centuries ago on the desert floors of Peru. Science 317:446-447.

q       DEBERT  J. & SHERRIFF  B. L. (2007) Raspadita: a new lithic tool from the Istmus of Rivas, Nicaragua.  Journal of Achaeological Science, 34: 1889-1901.

q       DIAMOND  J. (2007) Easter Island Revisited. Science 317: 1692-1694.

q       FOLINSBEE K.E. & BROOKS D.R. (2007) Miocene hominoid biogeography: pulses of dispersal and differentiation. Journal of Biogeography, 34: 383-397.

q       GAMEZ MONTENEGRO B. (2004?) Petroglifos de la cuenca del río Estelí y sus alrededores. Asociación para la Investigación del Desarrollo Sostenible de las Segovias. 16 pp.

q       GHEZZI I. & RUGGLES C. (2007) Chankillo: A 2300-Year-Old Solar Observatory in Coastal Peru. Science 315:1239-1243.

q       HABERLE S.G. (2006) Prehistoric human impact on rainforest biodiversity in highland New Guinea. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B, pp. 1-10.

q       HECKENBERGER M.J., RUSSELL J.C., TONEY J.R. & SCHMIT M.J. (2007) The legacy of cultural landscape in the Brazilian Amazon: implications for biodiversity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B, pp. 5-12.

q       Howel W. (1952) Geologic Observations of the Ancient Human Foot print near Managua, Nicaragua. Contributions to American Anthropology and History, XI(52):1-31.

q       LOTHROP   S. K. (1921) The Stone Statues Of Nicaragua. American Antropologist, 23(3): 309-320 (n,s.)

q       MANN  D., EDWARDS  J., CHASE  J., BECK  W., REANIER  R., MASS  M., FINNEY  B. & LORET  J. (2008) drought, vegetation change, and human history on Rapa Nui (Isla de Pascua, Easter Island) Quaternary Research, 69: 16-28.

q       MUÑIZ VELEZ R. (2001) Restos de Insectos Antiguos Recuperados En La Cueva “La Chagûera” Del Estado de Morelos, Mexico. Acta Zoologica Mexicana (nueva serie), 83: 115-125.

q       PELLECCHIA M., NEGRINI R., COLLI L., PATRINI M., MILANESI E., ACHILLI A., BERTORELLE G., CAVALLI-SFORZA L.L., PIAZZA A., TORRONI A. & AJMONE-MARSAN P. (2007) The mystery of Etruscan origins: novel clues from Bos taurus mitochondrial DNA. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B, pp. 1-5.

q       PERRY  L. & FLANNERY  K. V. (2007) Precolumbian use of chili peppers in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico.  PNAS,104 (29): 11905-11909.

q       POHL M.E.D., PIPERMO D.R., POPE K.O. & JONES J.G. Microfossil evidence for pre-Columbian maize dispersals in the neotropics from San Andres, Tabasco, Mexico. PNAS 104(16):6870-6875.

q       TOUS MATA M. (2002) De la Gran Nicoya precolombina a la provincia de Nicaragua, s. XV y XVI. Tesis Doctoral, Barcelona, pp. 1-114 (de 550 pp.).

q       TOUS MATA M. (2002) De la Gran Nicoya precolombina a la provincia de Nicaragua, s. XV y XVI. Tesis Doctoral, Barcelona. 3. Grupos de la gran Nicoya y ocupación del territorio. pp-117-283.

q       VELEZ-JUARBE J., BROCHU Ch. A. & SANTOS H. (2006) A gharial from the Oligocene of Puerto Rico: transoceanioc dispersal in the history of a non-marine reptile. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 10pp.

q       WATERS M.R. & STAFFORD T.W. (2007) Redefining the Age of Clovis: Implications for the Peopling of the Americas. Science, 315:1122-1126.